When I know that I am worth as much as Jesus, I WANT to treat myself better. Because that means that I am as complete, present, and loving as Christ. And he is the GOAT. I’m worth the same?! I immediately want to care for this temple, the structure of my being that is my mind, body, and soul. Its preservation comes first, it is all I need to survive. The joy of knowing and loving myself builds the foundation for my ability to react and respond to the world that exists around me - reality - and gives me the security to accept that reality. It is no longer about the emotions I have about the world or my feelings about myself. I never have to question what I’m worth, and can therefore pour out the overflowing currency onto the world.
Is this instantaneous upon realization, or does it take practice to fully believe? It is a lifelong goal - getting closer with diligence until we arrive at full consciousness. That’s when we die.
Is dying just beginning again on the other side? I theorize that Heaven is the state of ultimate knowing - existing in and sharing the mind, body, and spirit of God. Though that is to say the God has such things. I think it’s just the best way for me to understand what it is. Fully conscious, present, and loving, as we are intended to be.